He asks himself every morning

Steve Jobs

Apple Chairman Steve jobs is out from his company.
He said that he asked himself every morning in front of mirror.
“If today was the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today ?”

もし今日が人生最後の日だったなら、今日の予定は私がやりたいことだろうか? と。

TwentyTen Five

This Site on WordPress3 is viewed by HTML5.
Not so many changes conpairing with TwentyTen, I guess, I hope.

WordPress のテンプレートをデフォルトの TwentyTen から HTML5 の TewntyTen Five にしました。そんなに大きな変更ではない、ですよね、、、。


Nadeshiko Japan is on The Women's World Cup soccer finals, will be  playing against the United States.

"NADESHIKO" is a kind of endemic flower in Japan and means basically dignified beauty, but I found onother meaning that "loving women".
Now, the Japanese soccer team, "Nadeshiko Japan" is called, has enlivenning newspapers.
They will be playing against the U.S. on The Women's World Cup soccer finals.
It would be a good game.
Nippon! Cha Cha Cha!

日本! チャチャチャ!

Wary Puppy 5.1.2

Wary Puppy 5 Desktop
I use the Ubuntu 11.04 and Lucid Puppy 5.2.5, arrived to follow Wary Puppy 5.1.2.
Primarily for use in Blender 2.58 on my legacy machine, this option now.
Because the OS default is used to Alt + RightClick is frequently used hot keys, I had to customize it on the Blender.
I am a newbie Linux.

私は Ubuntu 11.04 と Lucid Puppy 5.2.5 を試用して、Wary Puppy 5.1.2 に辿り着きました。
私のレガシーマシンで Blender 2.58 を主に使うため、この選択肢になりました。
頻繁に使われる Alt+RightClick ホットキーがOSのデフォルトに使用されているため、私は Blender 側でこれをカスタマイズする必要がありました。
私は Linux 初心者です。


TheSocialNetworkFacebookAozorasekkei FacebookFacebookDCT FacebookFacebookCMSJ Facebook

I met colleagues in my dream the day before yesterday.
They were the member who sent “like” to my Facebook.
Yes I saw the movie “The Social Network”.
How was it, you say ?
I did feel many but had no words.
The peak of Facebook in Japan is expected in September.

彼らは私のFacebookに “いいね!” を送信してくれたメンバーでした。

Occasionally Recall

Craig Ferguson

Craig Ferguson in “The Late Late Show” said this phrase making fun of Mr Arnold Schwarzenegger, it was really nice shot that I would like to use someday.
I will occasionally recall the phrase, and also this one too.

Google – Martha Graham from Ryan J Woodward on Vimeo.

皆さん御覧になりましたか? もうだいぶ前ですけれど・・・


Birthday with chocolate cake

My Choco Birthday

Fellows celebrated my birthday on Monday, that made me happy.
Lovely company custom.
Thank you guys !

By the way, Wp-Jquery-lightbox plug-in is working well on WordPress 3.1.2.
Check this page out !



ところで、Wp-Jquery-lightbox プラグインが WordPress 3.1.2 で快調に動いてます。
このページでご確認ください !

Hello UBUNTU 11.04 !

Yes, NVIDIA was covered few days ago that is why I could make it.
WinFast 170 DDRT came back from my chest and I am so happy to see UBUNTU !
I changed back to Classic Style with no effects after using Unity-2D anyway.
Installed GIMP, Inkscape, Blender2.49b, Blender2.57b, Bluefish.
So how can I change Blender’s Icon ?

数日前 UBUNTU の新バージョンに NVIDIA の多くがサポートされたおかげで、我が家のポンコツPCが復活しました。
とりあえずインストールしたのは、GIMP、Inkscape、Blender2.49b、Blender2.57b、Bluefish ですが、想っていたより重いです。